
Where we listen to every beat of your heart

Secondary Prevention After a Heart Surgery

Secondary Prevention After a Heart Surgery Heart surgery is one of the major operations. Coronary artery disease or blockage in the arteries is a metabolic disease, so even after surgery preventive measures need to be done. More important here is to know that if one gets heart disease, its always better to take treatment in […]
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Bypass Surgery is Better to Dodge Death

Bypass Surgery is Better to Dodge Death reatment of blockages in the heart arteries is done from two viewpoints- one to improve quality of life on durable basis and second to prevent further heart attacks. Unfortunately all studies show that stents fail on both fronts as compared to bypass surgery. And yet, thousands of patients […]
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Bypass Surgery is the Best Option

Bypass Surgery is the Best Option Blockage in the heart arteries or the coronary artery disease is the single largest killer all over the world. Every 39 second a person loses his life because of heart disease in America, The best way to avoid heart disease is prevention as it is a metabolic disease but […]
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Knowing Family Risk Score Help Prevent Coronary Heart Disease

Knowing Family Risk Score Help Prevent Coronary Heart Disease Treatments for coronary heart disease are in giving quality life to people. Bypass surgery increases survival chances as compared to angioplasty and stent. But when it comes to disease prevention, one often forgets the familial and hereditary factor. High risk families make a large proportion of […]
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